§ 24-50. Prohibition of the transport and removal of refuse.
No person shall collect, transport or receive any refuse or other wastes within or upon any public or private streets in the city, or anywhere in the city, except in leak proof containers or vehicles so constructed that no refuse or other wastes leak or sift through, fall out or be blown from such container or vehicle. Any person collecting or transporting any refuse or other wastes shall immediately pick up all refuse or waste which drops, spills, leaks or is blown from the collecting or transporting container or vehicle, and shall otherwise clean the place onto which any such refuse or wastes were dropped, spilled, blown or leaked.
It shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by the responsible party to collect, scavenge, or disturb the refuse or recyclable material stored in such containers or to remove from a refuse or recycling container any refuse or recyclable material set out for collection and disposal by the city or agents of the city or licensed solid waste haulers. This prohibition does not apply to law enforcement officers or city employees acting within the scope of their official duties.
For the purpose of subsection (b) above, "responsible party" means the person or persons who either deposited the refuse or recyclable material in the container or contracted with the city or licensed solid waste haulers for the collection of refuse or recyclable material.
(Ord. No. 2454, § 2, 6-2-92; Ord. No. 3709, § 1, 1-30-07)